Mental Health with Ditty

Nurturing Mental Wellness: Empowering Minds, Inspiring Hope, and Creating Paths to Healing

MHWDF is an organization that provides solution-based interventions and services that are tailored towards helping women,men and children understand mental health, gain capacity to handle the daily life challenges or stress and to manage emotions.


Get the right care from the people who care

MHWDF is an organization that provides solution-based interventions and services that are tailored towards helping women,men and children understand mental health, gain capacity to handle the daily life challenges or stress and to manage emotions.

Our Mission

To become the world's leading mental health resource and advocacy centre

Our Vision

To provide workspace professionals, entrepreneurs and other individuals with mental health solutions that support daily life experiences

Our Passion

Our mental health organization values empathy, respect, inclusivity, integrity, collaboration, and holistic care.


What We Stand For

Confidentiality & Privacy

We ensure that every information shared with us is safe and not shared with a third party except to save a life.


We respect where people are in their lives, and how they feel, think and act.


We can relate to people's feelings, situations and experiences.


We believe that a healthier future for individuals and the planet are interconnected.


We respond promptly to requests, assistance and support.


How We Help

Counseling and Therapy Services:

Accessible, affordable counseling and therapy services for individuals and families.

Mental Health Workshops and Education

Workshops, webinars, and resources to increase awareness and understanding of mental health issues.

Community Outreach Programs

Engaging with communities to reduce stigma, promote well-being, and provide mental health resources.

Advocacy and Policy Development:

Active involvement in advocating for mental health policies and practices that benefit society.


Accessible, affordable counseling and therapy services for individuals and families.


Our Programs

Acheiving Social Inclusion Through Community Kindness

In a world that often feels divided and disconnected, “Achieving Social Inclusion Through Community Kindness” is a transformative mental program designed to bridge the gaps that separate us and foster a sense of belonging and togetherness. This program recognizes that small acts of kindness can create profound ripples of positive change within our communities.


What People Say About Us

I like the fact that the instructor was able to talk about almost everything that has to do with mental health, answered all the questions, and made the training interactive, engaging and impact

I was in a bad state of mind when I saw about this on Facebook though I really don't want to participate but I had the urge to and to be sincere I followed up and I am glad I got a positive result. Thanks to the organizers and to our therapists you all tried may God give you the enablement to touch people's life more

Working with mental health with ditty, Has been such a positive experience! I've learnt a lot about myself and have had great sessions where I felt safe and able to share my real feelings. I have been able to move on and I am now in a better place mentally. Thank you Ditty!


Frequently Asked

We ensure that every information shared with us is safe and not shared with a third party except to save a Life.